Most blind children in Burundi have lost their sight due to preventable causes.

Blind from birth, Cesaria’s chances of surviving until her fifth birthday would have been slim.

Leo couldn’t go to school, he couldn’t participate in village life, and he was becoming angry and withdrawn.

In Burundi, 55% of avoidable blindness is caused
by cataracts and 2 out of 3 people can't afford
cataract surgery cost.

For a young girl like Micheline, being blind is even more serious as she will live with blindness throughout her life.
No one should ever have to live with avoidable blindness, no matter how old they are, where they live, or how much money they have.

Impact of Vision Centres

There are an estimated backlog of 1346 children blind due to cataract in Burundi. Each year, we estimate 269 new cases of children blind due to paediatric cataract.

Vision Centers
Population Covered
People Save/ year
Free services

About Ctsoe help

why visual Impairement ?

There are an estimated backlog of 1346 children blind due to cataract in Burundi. Each year, we estimate 269 new cases of children blind due to paediatric cataract. Other conditions which can benefit from treatment like congenital glaucoma, strabismus, corneal opacities, also occur but are difficult to estimate due to lack of information. A survey of the three schools for the blind, published early in 2013 showed that there is significant variation in use of these services. In addition, the survey showed that a large proportion of the causes of blindness were either preventable or treatable. CTSOE is the only organization in Burundi offering a chance to the blind child to recover their sight.

Restoring sight is one of the most cost-effective health interventions to reduce poverty.

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