My son shall go on with his studies


8-year-old Don Brillant suffers from a defect that affects the tear ducts. Since he was three, he has been struggling with this eye problem affecting his school progress. His father hopes for the best now.

As the ophthalmologist explains blocked tear ducts occur in patients in whom the flow of tears from the eye toward the nose is obstructed, resulting in constant secretion (tearing and crusty secretion). Don Brillant was received at the CTSOE for his eye care three weeks ago. Dr. Patrick, an ophthalmologist from CTSOE, says they received the child in critical situation. “His eyes were swollen, he had a high fever and stinky secretion in his eyes”. After they had proceeded with medication to relieve the pain and the swelling of the eyes, they decided to proceed with medical intervention.+

Photo of Don Brillant during medical intervention

Photo of Don Brillant during medical intervention 
Illustration: They unblock the nasolacrimal duct in order to allow tears to flow behind the nose.

Dr. Patrick is grateful that the operation was successful.  “It is a delicate operation because if you fail to follow the exact path of these ducts you risk of puncturing them and this will cause a false path for tears. Fortunately the operation went well”, he says, adding that they will run a follow up to see the progress of the child’s sight.

Photo of Don Brillant with eye bandage

Photo of Don Brillant with eye bandage 

Brillant’s father is hopeful

This father of four  from Rumonge province recalls his struggle since his son was 3 years old. “ I visited almost all the hospitals in the eastern part and Bujumbura town for his eye care. Doctors administered drugs to him but in vain”. He says his son could not follow his studies because of the eye problem that was regularly troubling him. “ Brilliant has studied 3 years in the same class because of his eye problem. Now I am confident that he will be able to progress with his studies”.


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