Empowering Community-Based Eye Care: An Innovative Ophthalmology Model.


Community ophthalmology lies at the heart of our approach to promoting eye health and preventing blindness. This groundbreaking discipline merges medical prevention, public health, and clinical ophthalmology methods to combat eye diseases effectively.

Our Model in Action:

With the backing of XOVA Funding, CTSOE has developed and implemented clinical and public health strategies to reduce childhood blindness in Burundi. How? By training community health workers and primary healthcare professionals. These individuals are then equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to detect and refer eye diseases in children.

Our Achievements: 

We’re proud to have successfully conducted training sessions in Mwaro and Cibitoke, reaching over 260 healthcare professionals. Our close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and AIDS Control and other governmental entities has allowed us to tailor our training modules to the actual needs on the ground.

Tangible Outcomes:

Feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive. Many recounted encounters with children suffering from cataracts or other eye conditions without knowing how to assist. They expressed gratitude for our initiative, a pioneer in their provinces. Most encouragingly? Their commitment to utilising the referral system we’ve established is a step closer to our vision of a Burundi free from avoidable childhood blindness. 

Each Training, A Step Closer:

Recognising the significance, local governors have endorsed and inaugurated our training sessions. However, our mission is far from over. Many more healthcare agents still need training, especially in Cibitoke, where health workers number over 500. We’re also proud to have distributed 100 visual acuity charts to our trained personnel.

Looking Ahead:

 Our model, both pragmatic and sustainable, seeks to empower local stakeholders. Its adaptability makes it suitable for various contexts, enhancing its value. Bolstered by our successes and with the support of our partners, we are resolute in our pursuit: to eradicate childhood blindness in Burundi.

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